Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Birthday Corner! Better late then never...

So this January, Jim and I decided to splurge and change an ugly corner in our living room which had a 30 year old recliner (known as "Pop-Pop's chair") and a left over bedside table from our newlywed Navy days that we used for our cable and DVD components.  Needless to say, an upgrade was necessary.  We also finally put up some window treatments to finish off our Birthday Corner!  And here it is:

March 2012: Pictures of upstairs with electrical

Inside the smallest bedroom (view from the closest - a small dresser will go under the window)

Smallest bedroom (view from bedroom door) - bed will go against the wall with window (which will be cut in at some point).  Extra storage will be added behind the wall to the left.  The trash bags to the right are stacked up in the closet.

The trash bags and doors have are sitting in the 8 foot long closet.  The bedroom may be small but it definitely won't be lacking storage and closet space.

This is the 2nd bedroom (it has a little more space than the other and has a larger closet (9 feet across as opposed to 8 feet)

It will also have extra storage behind the short wall.

Just a general picture

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom and Dressing Room

Master Bedroom

March: Lighting

We haven't had many posts because there haven't been a whole lot of visual changes for the month of March.  However, Jim has been busy completing alot of the electrical.  Recessed lighting has been hung, and wiring has been ran.  This got me in the mood to search for some lighting...

So for our downstairs hallway...  yeah yeah, I know... its supposed to be an upstairs project. Well let me explain... Our downstairs hallway is long and narrow and this makes it very dark.  With a portion of the upstairs floor ripped out, we have the perfect opportunity to enhance this dark hallway with a beautiful new light!  I wanted a period light.  I have been eyeing 1900s schoolhouse replica pendant lights.  This is what we bought below.  My goal was to get something that looked like it was there all along.  Now, can you imagine this long, narrow hallway without this light?!?!  Me Neither.  Goal accomplished.  :)

The next light purchase we made is still up in the air...  What we originally wanted to do was move our existing pendant light (original to the house) to hang in our upstairs window, lighting up the stair case.  Reason being... when we were getting our hardword floors refinished one the workers broke the glass shade but it is only a moderately sized chip.  Here's some pics:

We figured by moving it, we would be able to conceal the chip (okay, hole) by turning it towards the corner where no one would ever see it.  So to replace the light in the downstairs foyer we needed to buy a similar light that complemented the one above.  We chose this one:

The only problem is that the light hangs a bit too low and would have been perfect if it came with a chain rather than a pole.  However, we LOVE the light.  So maybe there's a way to work with the light to make it work... like buying a separate chain to hang it and remove the pole.  Or we may consider leaving the original light where it is and just dealing with the imperfection.  By the way, when that first happened, I was so angry and annoyed.  But accidents happen and by now, I've just learned to live with it.  Im still considering my options though... so we'll see what we decide.

Finally, the last light we purchased (on impulse I must admit) is a beautiful tiffany sconce light that will hang next to our master bedroom door.  It's a shame it will be awhile before we can hang this light.  Can't wait to share the pics when its up!  It looks so much better in person and just imagine it against a wall painted in a warm flat gold.